Over 1.6 million people await sensible licenses as DoTM’s mass printer malfunctions – myRepublica

KATHMANDU, Could 23: Over 1.6 million people are nonetheless ready to obtain their sensible licenses after passing their trials. This delay has been attributed to the malfunction of the mass printer of the Division of Transport Administration (DoTM).

The present mass printer on the DoTM is barely working for 2 shifts, whereas it beforehand operated in three shifts. When absolutely operational, the machine can print 8,000 playing cards in 16 hours with all 4 encodings working. Presently, solely two encodings are purposeful, every printing 125 playing cards per hour, leading to a complete of two,650 playing cards printed day by day in two shifts. Moreover, round 400 precedence licenses are printed day by day.

The printer, bought on August 18, 2019, was initially working at full capability. Nonetheless, on account of technical failures, it could actually not function for 3 shifts. It now takes 400 days (about 14 months) to print 1.2 million new playing cards. The printer can also be inactive on authorities holidays and Saturdays.

In accordance with a DoTM engineer, the machine’s two non-functional encodings want restore, however the division lacks the price range to handle this subject. Ishwari Datta Paneru, the DoTM director, confirmed that solely 2,500-3,000 playing cards are at present being printed per day, with staff working in two shifts.

Paneru stated that the DoTM has accomplished printing 50,000 out of 1.2 million new sensible playing cards inside 6 and a half months. If the machine had been absolutely operational, over 1.2 million playing cards might have been printed and distributed by now.

Though the DoTM has not but distributed the printed playing cards, Paneru said that the distribution will start quickly. The primary batch of playing cards is deliberate to be despatched to the Sudurpaschim and Karnali provinces in December 2023, adopted by different provinces.

The DoTM delayed distribution as they awaited lab check stories for the newly printed playing cards. The report, examined by Germany’s Fogra Firm, arrived on Could 13 and was reviewed by the DoTM after 4 days. A complete of 150 playing cards had been despatched for testing. 

Uddhab Prasad Rijal, the Director Basic of DoTM, said that the check stories met all circumstances set by the DoTM. The playing cards had been examined for high quality, waterproofing, and different elements, and had been discovered to exceed expectations.

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